I swim sweetly sweatily sweat-swaddled into the dripping past. What is this imbalance, hot and wet, hot and sweat, steamily unpleasant around me? The flu is it, or a twenty year vintage malaria bottled up inside like bad Paraguayan wine? I feel unpropitiated and unpropitiated bugs from an unguarded past teem in my wings. I waded the potato patch yesterday looking for signs of disease. The signs are manifest now. The disease is here. Was I blighted by a leppercorn? I am bitten! Something has bit me! Is it the new pills or the flat exhaustion that comes from living as if I am 30 years of age, crisscrossing this land again and again like a roadie on speed? I just awoke from a nightmare. Or did I wake into one? I am a small island runnelled with lava flows, steaming beside a sunless sea. I wake. I do not recognise the room. My paintings scream and leer from the walls. It was a bad move to hang them! With glee they start their haunting, subconscious effusions released into malicious form. I should have left them beyont in the deep dark place. I stand like a wraith, feeling for the door, my foot in the cooking pan, the ready vomitorium. The night is not over.

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